Friday, June 10, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Dynamic Shepard Theme

Mass Effect 3 Dynamic Shepard Theme
Firmware 3.70 Compatible
Custom Theme Sounds

After being riled up for Mass Effect 3 from E3, I thought it'd be nice to make a theme to help ease the wait, or potentially remind myself every time I power on the PS3 that it wont be out till 2012. I used most of the theme icons from the Prince of Persia dynamic theme. Not so much because I'm lazy, but because I felt they actually did suit the theme quite well. So I give you the Mass Effect 3 dynamic Shepard theme, to help keep you excited over ME3. Theme sounds used from GlowBall's FRINGE MDT theme. You can check out a video of this theme in action on youtube here. Enjoy!
*UPDATE* I've created two revisions of this theme. Both were requests. The first removes GlowBall's sound effects and makes the sound default. You can download it here. The second version removes the haze effect on the picture. Originally I felt it suited it because of the smoke, but someone requested the picture be clearer. Oddly enough, I now even personally prefer this version. You can download the Haze-Free version here.


  1. Hey
    installed this theme on my PS3 and it looks fantastic great theme :) But the sound effects sounds bad, is there a way to fix them?


  2. Alright Divine, I made a soundless version just for you. It'll use the default sound effects rather than the Fringe sounds. You can find the new download link t to the sound-free version in the updated post. Enjoy.
