Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Darker Than Black - Blue Version

Darker Than Black - Blue Version
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

This is a recolored version of my previously shared Darker than Black theme. It's basically the same theme, only with blue icons instead of green, with a few minor tweaks to some of the wallpapers to help them better fit into the color theme.

Mass Effect 2 - Tali'Zorah

Mass Effect 2 - Tali'Zorah
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

Oh, Tali ~ What more is there to really say? She was always in my squad, and always in my Shepard's heart (sniff-sniff). Can't wait to see what major moral decisions we're going to have to make between Tali and Legion in Mass Effect 3. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mass Effect 2 - Legion

Mass Effect 2 - Legion
11 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

The second poll winner was Legion. Which is great since I loved Legion. Wasn't as many wallpaper's available to me as I'd like (I prefer to max it at 16) but I did find a couple, having to improvise with one. Enjoy.

Mass Effect 2 - Thane

Mass Effect 2 - Thane
13 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

The first poll winner came in, it was amazing tie (one vote for Thane, one for Legion! Wowww way to vote people. Lol) So here we have the Thane theme, it took me a while to decide rather to go with green or red icons on this one. I went with green. Enjoy.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Darker Than Black

Darker Than Black
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

I been making quite a few game-related themes lately, so I thought I'd toss out one for anime. In this case, its for Darker Than Black. Watched it a while back when it first came out, was a pretty good show from what I remember. I should go back and rewatch it sometime. Enjoy.

Street Fighter - Dan

Street Fighter - Dan
8 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

This was a somewhat rushed job I did for a friend. Finding more than one suitable wallpaper for this was... difficult. It's not a great theme, not my best work. But it was a request so, its not like I choose what wallpapers are used and what aren't. I'm not even a Street Fighter fan. But someone might like this. Here's to Dan.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Mass Effect 3 Dynamic Garrus Theme

Mass Effect 3 Dynamic Garrus Theme
Firmware 3.70 Compatible
Custom Theme Sounds

Originally I did only plan on making a Shepard theme, but after seeing how surprisingly well it turned out, and spotting this very nice Garrus snapshot teaser for ME3, I new I had to give it a whirl. The animated smoke effect works very well for this picture, given that the's firing his gun and it was already quite smokey to begin with. I used theme icons from one of Andape's themes, since they worked well for this and seemed like the best option to go with rather than spending hours making them myself. Theme sounds used from GlowBall's FRINGE MDT theme. You can see a cam-recorded video of this theme in action on youtube here. Enjoy!
*UPDATE* I've made a small revision to this theme, but it is totally optional based on your preference. The original version is still below, but I made a "No-Haze" version that removed the haze from the picture and makes Garrus a little more clear. It's not that noticeable, but least you have the option. You can download the No-Haze version here.

Mass Effect 3 Dynamic Shepard Theme

Mass Effect 3 Dynamic Shepard Theme
Firmware 3.70 Compatible
Custom Theme Sounds

After being riled up for Mass Effect 3 from E3, I thought it'd be nice to make a theme to help ease the wait, or potentially remind myself every time I power on the PS3 that it wont be out till 2012. I used most of the theme icons from the Prince of Persia dynamic theme. Not so much because I'm lazy, but because I felt they actually did suit the theme quite well. So I give you the Mass Effect 3 dynamic Shepard theme, to help keep you excited over ME3. Theme sounds used from GlowBall's FRINGE MDT theme. You can check out a video of this theme in action on youtube here. Enjoy!
*UPDATE* I've created two revisions of this theme. Both were requests. The first removes GlowBall's sound effects and makes the sound default. You can download it here. The second version removes the haze effect on the picture. Originally I felt it suited it because of the smoke, but someone requested the picture be clearer. Oddly enough, I now even personally prefer this version. You can download the Haze-Free version here.

Code Geass Theme

Code Geass Theme
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

If you've downloaded this theme anywhere else but here, there's a good chance its the older outdated version. Since then I've updated the wallpapers used, added new firmware icons, and made it SD TV compatible. Huzzah! All Hail Lelouch  

Alt Download

Soul Eater - Franken Stein Theme

Soul Eater - Franken Stein Theme
12 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.65 Compatible

This is my last Soul Eater theme dedicated to my favorite character in the show, the great mad doctor Franken Stein. Like with my Kidd theme, this one was made special with a lot of attention put into the details. Each icon was 'painstakingly' crafted around a theme that suited well to Stein. Anyone familiar with Stein should know about him and his stitches, this theme works on that concept. With all the icons stitched pattern-colored to suit his look. How many will even notice the hinted Medusa's through the theme? Who knows. Enjoy.

Soul Eater - Death the Kid Theme

Soul Eater - Death the Kid Theme
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

Here we have a theme I'm particularly proud of. Kidd was always one of my favorite characters from Soul Eater, so I just had to make a theme for him. I tried something new in the wallpaper designs, which I felt worked out pretty well (I kept the idea running with Dante theme and Stein theme). I'm sure any fan would appreciate the attention-to-detail put into some of these icons. Enjoy.

Soul Eater Theme

Soul Eater Theme
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

This theme is another upgrade version of a theme that was previously uploaded. Wasgoed was the original creator, he made all the theme icons. His version, at the time, was a bit outdated due to latest firmware and their new added icons, so I updated his to work with the latest firmware and filled it up with 16 wallpapers. Enjoy.

Death Note - L Theme

Death Note - L Theme
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

This was one, if not the first theme I ever tried to make on Playstation 3. There is a old, old, old original out there in the webs, that is quite outdated. This one has been retouched, after months upon months of laying dormant. I've added all the mission icons that have been added since this themes creation (Trophies came AFTER this theme first did, if you can believe that). Along with the new icons, it has a few new wallpapers to boot. The icons of this theme were created by SomaXD in a similar Death Note theme. I took his icons and supplied them with L wallpapers, basically.  They're not all of JUST L, but for the most part this theme is focused on the greatest detective this side of Batman. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

InuYasha - Sesshoumaru Theme

InuYasha - Sesshoumaru Theme
13 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

This theme actually took me a while to make, but not in the sense you'd think. While I finished this theme rather quickly, due to its simplistic design, it took me a lot longer than one would expect to actually even consider making it. For someone who's Playstation Network account ID is "Sesshoumaru" you'd really think this to be one of my first themes, wouldnt you? Finding decent wallpapers to suit this theme, HD and all, was actually quite difficult for me. So as much as I'd like 16 wallpapers, I had to settle for 13. They're not great, but Sesshoumaru deserves to have at least one decent theme out there. Digging up relics as old as InuYasha? What next? YuYuHakusho? Hah. Impossible! Or is it? Enjoy.

Devil May Cry - Dante Theme

Devil May Cry - Dante Theme
16 HD-SD Wallpapers
Firmware 3.70 Compatible

This Devil May Cry theme was requested from a PSN friend of mine. It comes with 16 wallpapers of HD and SD standards, with some being fan art, gameplay snapshots, and even some from the anime series. I am not personally all that familiar with the Devil May Cry franchise, so this theme may lack that certain special fanboy spark too. However I'm sure there are more than a few DMC fans out there who'd enjoy it regardless. This version is also different from the ones found on most Theme Sharing sites. The majority of PS3 Theme sites I share my themes on, typically have a file size limit to each individual theme. Because of this, I had to cut out a few wallpapers in the ones I sent to them. This one however is unedited. Think of it as the extended special edition. 8)